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Bamboo Wooden Iphone4 Case
Bamboo Wooden Iphone4 Case

Real Wood 100% Crafted Case

Price 1,590.00 BAHT
Bamboo Wooden Iphone4 Case
Bamboo Wooden Iphone4 Case
Bamboo Wooden Iphone4 Case

The Lotus Lotus Eterne is one of the five all-new Lotus concept cars which were unveiled at the 2010 Paris Motor Show.

The Lotus Eterne is a four door luxury saloon which looks like an extended wheelbase version of the new Lotus Elite coupe. That's no coincidence either - it's supposed to look like a stretched Elite.

Powering the Lotus Eterne is a 5.0 litre V8 engine delivering up to 620 horsepower and 720Nm of torque.

In keeping with the rest of the new lineup, the Lotus Eterne concept will feature hybrid technology.

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