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Walnut Wooden Iphone4 Case
Walnut Wooden Iphone4 Case

Real Wood 100% Crafted Case

Price 1,590.00 BAHT
Walnut Wooden Iphone4 Case
Walnut Wooden Iphone4 Case

The Pontiac Solstice Coupe is a natural development of the Solstice Roadster. However, for drivers still wanting an open-air experience, the coupe also features a removable roof panel, fully opening the cockpit to the sky.

"Today's Solstice is the top-selling roadster in the U.S., and we believe this new model has even broader appeal," said Jim Bunnell, Buick-Pontiac-GMC general manager. "The coupe has all the design cues and pleasing performance of the original roadster, and is an all-season alternative for people who enjoy open-air driving."

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